Coming Events
August 2, 2025 Judging Meet
Put the date on your calendar. We will update this when it is confirmed.
June 28-29, 2025 Judging Meet
The Indiana Chapter will host a Judging Event at Larry Gerig’s museum on June 28-29. More details as we get it organized.
March 29, 2025 Judging School
Come and join us for a live Judging School at the Ray Skillman Classic Car Museum in Greenwood, IN. Register online or mail in form.
We will have a presentation on the basics of the NCRS Judging System followed by some hands on experience judging cars.
Don’t miss out on the chance to attend this event at Ray Skillman’s museum. Ray has a fantastic collection of classic cars, Indy race cars, signs, and other automotive related memorabilia.
Prior Events
January 25, 2025 Virtual Judging School
Mike Treece (400 Level Judge) will present several schools through the winter of 2025 hosted by Heart of Ohio and Indiana Chapters. This judging school for Manifolds will be held on January 25, 2025. . Each virtual event will use GoTo Meeting. You can download the free GoTo Meeting app here. One judging point will be awarded for virtual event, but no more than two a year. You must pre-register and be logged in for at least half the portion of the technical talk to receive the point (no exceptions). Register Online for this Judging School.
2024 Business Meeting / Election of Officers
December 14th ZOOM Meeting. Details will be emailed to all chapter members before the meeting. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Download the Zoom Application so you will have it ready.
September 14, 2024 Judging School
We will be comparing original paint to restoration paint with several cars to review at Ray Skillman Classic Car Museum, in Greenwood, IN.
Ray has a fantastic collection of cars of all kinds including a lot of Corvettes. He also has a large collection of previous Indy Car’s.
Memorabilia fans will be excited to see the various items in his collection including a full size Carousel and an Indy Car Garage.
Lunch will be served. Registration Fee goes to Charity.
Picture from our Judging School
July 6-7 2024 NCRS Indiana Chapter Summer Meet
The Indiana Chapter invites you to our Summer Meet featuring Concours and Flight Judging of 1953 through 2007 Corvettes. Join fellow NCRS members in Roanoke IN. for a 2 days of spectacular Corvettes, good food, and great friends!
Saturday Chris Sherman is going to hold a Judging School on 53-55 Corvettes.
Register online beginning May 1st or download the registration form.
April 20th Judging Meet
The Indiana Chapter will have a one day judging event @ John Berry’s “Fab Five” Original Corvette Collection. The 5 corvettes being judged, 1 – 1969 L71, 2 – 1969 L36, 1 – 1969 L68 and a 1971 LS5 . The meet will be held @ 1512-D Resource Dr. Burlington KY. This is an indoor event and lunch will be provided. There is no cost for this event.
Prior registration is required. We need to know what judges will be available before the meet. With 5 Corvettes to judge Saturday we will start at 8:15 it will be a busy day. Register Online.
March 23rd Tech Session
Don’t miss out: Gary Bosselman will talk about C3 vacuum systems. While this is primarily about C3’s vacuum systems, tips on troubleshooting them will apply to all models and brands. Finding vacuum leaks can be a frustrating issue. Let Gary explain all the tricks to make it quicker and easier.
This session will be held at Keith Busse’s Museum, 2809 Eggman Road Fort Wayne Indiana 46814. It will begin at 10:00 am. If nothing else you won’t want to miss seeing Keith’s beautiful collection. Register online.
Virtual Judging School January 17th.
Mike Treece will present a Virtual Judging School on hoods C-1 thru C-5. Attend from the comfort of your home, rain, shine or snow.
Virtual Judging School February 17th.
Another virtual Judging School on Door Panels, Hinges and Labels.
Queen City Chapter Swap Meet
We can help support the Queen City Chapter as well as attend a great swap meet in Greendale, IN, just east of Lawrenceburg on US 50.

You can download the flyer to reserve your swap meet spot.
August 11-12 2023
The Indiana Chapter Fall Meet will be held at GR Auto Gallery, 2461 Reeves Rd. Plainfield, IN. About one and a half miles from the I-70, 267 Plainfield exit. Located at the southwest corner of Perry Road and Reeves Road. Parking and unloading in the back of the building off of Perry Road. We thank GR Auto Gallery for opening their facility to host our meet.
Schedule : Friday, Registration 1PM – 4:30PM, Ops 4-5. Judging School following Ops
Saturday: Judges Meeting 8:15
Owners Meeting 8:30
Judging Starts 8:45
Awards after Judging
Registration begins June 26th.
Indiana Chapter Spring Meet
March 31 – April 1, 2023
The Indiana Chapter invites you to our Spring Meet featuring Concours and Flight Judging of 1953 through 2004 Corvettes. Join fellow NCRS members in Roanoke IN. for two days of spectacular Corvettes, good food, and great friends! Lunch provided. Limit on cars. Registration opens 01/02/2023. NO JUDGING ENTRIES Postmarked after March 24, 2023.
Schedule : Friday, Registration 1PM – 4:30PM, Ops 4-5. Judging School following Ops
Saturday: Judges Meeting 8:15
Owners Meeting 8:30
Judging Starts 8:45
Awards after Judging
Location for Spring Judging Meet is Larry Gerig’s museum at 10502 S. 600 E, Roanoke, IN. The location is 1.4 miles east of the HWY 24 & HWY 114 junction. From I-69 take the HWY 24 Exit and go South West about 5½ miles to the HWY 114 Junction. Take a right and go west about 1.4 miles. Turn right on County Road S. 600 E. turn into the second driveway on your right. There are several nice hotels at the I-69 HWY 24 Exit.
Virtual Judging Schools
January 14th complete, January 28th, February 18th and March 4th.
Mike Treece (400 Level Judge) will present a 4-part judging school throughout the Winter of 2023, hosted by Heart of Ohio and Indiana Chapters. Registration for Part 1 on dashes for C1-2 to be held on January 14, 2023.
Recordings of the Virtual Judging Schools
Corvette Gauges C1 – C5
Corvette Dashes C- 3 through C- 5
Corvette Dashes C-1 through C-2
Corvette Valve Covers C-1 through C-5
Corvette Frames C-1 through C-3
Corvette Seats – C-1 thru C-5
Corvette Glove Box Contents – Part 1 C-1 thru C-2
Corvette Glove Box Contents – Part 2 C-3 thru C-5
Basics of NCRS Judging
Corvette Wheels and Rims- Part 1 C-1 thru C-2
Corvette Rims & Spare Tire – Part 2 C-3 thru C-5
Corvette Seat Belts C-1 to C-5
Corvette Emblems C-1 through C-5
Corvette Air Cleaners and Filters – Part 1, C-1 thru C-2
Corvette Air Cleaners and Air Filters Part 2 C-3 thru C-5
Corvette Windshield Washer Systems
Judging School and Annual Business Meeting
Indiana Chapter will host a Judging School October 29 from 10AM to 3 PM. Doors open at 10:00. The Corvette will be a new acquisition by Larry. This 1981, 59 mile corvette previously owned by Craig Stephan of the Nebraska Chapter, was awarded Top Flight and Bowtie at the at the 2022 National in Mobile. Lunch will be served.
Following Lunch will be our Annual Business Meeting and Election of 2023 Officers. Offices up for election are Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Judging Chairman, and Membership Manager. If you would be interested running for any of these positions please contact John Waggoner at If you are unable to attend please send a note as to your qualifications for the office and your vision for the Chapter.
The Judging School and Membership Meeting will be at Larry Gerig’s museum on County Road S. 600 E . The location is 1.4 miles east of the HWY 24 & HWY 114 junction. From I-69 take the HWY 24 Exit and go South West about 5½ miles to the HWY 114 Junction. Take a right and go west about 1.4 miles. Turn right on County Road S. 600 E. turn into the first driveway on your right. There are several nice hotels at the I-69 HWY 24 Exit.
Fall Road Tour
On October 1, the two day tour will leave the Fort Wayne north Hampton Inn. Stops will include the world-famous Sweetwater Sound Campus (America’s largest music store), DeBrands Fine Chocolates, Village of Winona, plus the usual cemetery, food, and other historic / cultural sites.
Accommodations for the tour, The Hampton Inn 3520 E. Dupont Rd. Fort Wayne IN46825. The rate for King / Queen rooms $129+tax. Block open April 1 to September 16. Rate is also available for Friday September 30. Call 260-483-3999, mention NCRS rate.
Corvettes preferred but other modes of transportation welcome.
For more information contact: Brian Davies
Recent Events
Virtual Judging School
Virtual Judging School on Valve Covers. The virtual event will use GoToMeeting. One judging point will be awarded, but you must pre-register by March 23, 2022 and be logged in for at least half the portion of the technical talk to receive the point (no exceptions). Our meeting software records the specific times you log in/out so don’t be late. Log in as early as 940am EST and make any necessary adjustments to your computer/tablet audio/video. The school will begin at 10am EST and end at approximately 1200pm EST. A link to the virtual school will be provided in your registration confirmation email. Register Online
Indiana Chapter Regional
April 28th – 30th, 2022
Indiana Chapter NCRS Regional – Auburn IN. April 28-30, 2022
Inside The Hanger, Located at the Kruse Plaza,
Interstate 69 and County Rd. 11A. Online registration opens December 1st. 2021
Host Hotels, Auburn IN. Hampton Inn, 1020 Smaltz Way
and Tru by Hilton,303 Peckhart Ct. $107.00 + Tax. Rate Code NCR
Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 300 Lenora Lane,
RV Park, Fireside Resort @ Kruse Plaza, 260-925-764
Technical Session
March 12, 2022
On March the 12th Indiana Chapter will hold a Tech Session from 10AM to 3PM at Keith Busse’s Museum. Shawn Sarrazin will present the steps involved to prepare a Corvette for Flight Judging. At noon we will be break for refreshments. This event will be limited to 40 individuals due to limited parking. Location: 2809 Eggeman Rd. Fort Wayne IN.46814. No Judging Points, Tech Session.
October 29, 2021 Mini Meet
We will hold this Judging Meet at Larry Gerig’s museum on County Road S. 600 E . The location is 1.4 miles east of the HWY 24 & HWY 114 junction. From I-69 take the HWY 24 Exit and go South West about 5½ miles to the HWY 114 Junction. Take a right and go west about 1.4 miles. Turn right on County Road S. 600 E. turn into the first driveway on your right. There are several nice hotels at the I-69 HWY 24 Exit.
We will be judging 2 of Larry Gerig’s cars. Judges/Tabulators get $10.00 off of the registration fee.
Registration opens 09/25/2021. NO JUDGING ENTRIES Postmarked after 10/26/2021. Register Online
October 28th, 2021 Business Meeting
We have reservations for up to 20 at CASA RISTORANTE @ 6PM on the 29th of October for the Indiana Chapter Membership and board meeting. We will have a private room. They are located about a mile east of the Hampton Inn at I-69 and US 24 in Fort Wayne.
August 14th, 2021, Judging Meet
The Indiana Chapter invites you to our Fall Meet featuring Concours and Flight
Judging of 1953 through 2004 Corvettes. Join fellow NCRS members in
Roanoke IN, for a day of spectacular Corvettes, good food, and great friends! To be held at Larry Gerig’s personal collection. Registration opens May 1st. Go to “Events” to register online or fill out the registration sheet and mail it in.
September 18th, 2021 Judging Meet
The Indiana Chapter invites you to our Fall Meet featuring Concours and Flight
Judging of 1953 through 2004 Corvettes. Join fellow NCRS members
in Greenwood IN, for a day of spectacular Corvettes, good food, and
great friends! To be held at Ray Skillman Classic Car Museum. Registration opens July 1st. Go to “Events” to register online or fill out the registration sheet and mail it in.
October 2nd, 2021 Chapter Picnic
The Indiana Chapter Picnic will be held at Mounds State Park, in the Locust Grove Shelter. This is just before the shelter where we normally meet. Meat and drinks provided by the chapter. Bring a covered dish to share. Meet at 11:30, lunch at 12:00. Good food and good friends and Corvettes. We hope for a beautiful fall day.
Nov. 22nd, 2020 Annual Chapter Business Meeting.
The MCL meeting has been cancelled and replace one week later with a virtual meeting on WebEX at 1:00 pm. Emails have gone out to all chapter members advising them of the change. An email went out to all chapter members with instructions on how to join the WebEX meeting.
The agenda for the meeting:
Call To Order:
Officers Present:
Reading and approval of minutes:
Officers reports: Chairman, Judging Chairman, Treasure, Secretary, Membership Manager, Newsletter Editor.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Christmas Party
February Judging School Chapter
Meet Road Tour
2022 Indiana / Auburn Regional
Open Discussion
Election of Officers:
Motion to Adjourn:
Officers up for election are President, Vice President, Secretary (newsletter editor) Judging Chairman and Treasurer. If you are interested in running for one of those offices please notify Tim Hull at
Cancelled: Indiana one day Road Tour: August 2, 2020
Cancelled: Rescheduled for October 2-3, 2020.
Cancelled: May 1-2, 2020 Judging Meet
February 8th, Judging School at Ray Skillman Classic Cars.
We will be holding the Judging School at Skillman Classic Cars, in Greenwood, IN.
Ray has a fabulous facility with a tremendous collection of classic cars, race cars, neon signs, motor cycles and a full-size carousel that has recently been completely restored.
His collection also includes quite a few Corvettes from 1954 to the 2000’s. We plan on picking out a couple we can put on lifts for the Judging School.
We will begin at 11:00 a.m. Lunch will be served about noon. Judging School will follow lunch. There will be plenty of time before lunch and after the Judging School to look over the beautiful collection Ray Skillman has on display.
The $10 registration fee will be donated to Ray Skillman’s favorite charity in appreciation for hosting this event.
Ray’s Classic Car Collection is just behind his Ford dealership at:1280 Apryl Dr., Greenwood, IN 46143.
See Map for details:
Park in the fenced area north of the building if possible.
December 7th, Indiana Chapter Christmas Party.
Chapter Christmas Party. We will meet at Oaken Barrel Brewing Company. Located 50 Airport Pkwy L. Greenwood IN. Airport Pkwy L. is located off E.Main St. west of I-65. Festivities will commence at 11:30 A.M.
Nov. 2nd, 2019 Annual Chapter Business Meeting.
MCL Cafeteria just off 86th Street at Allisonville Rd., at 11:00 am. for our annual business meeting. Following the business meeting about noon we will enjoy lunch on your own. The business meeting and election of 2020 officers should only take about an hour. Map to MCL
Oct. 5th, 2019 Chapter Picnic.
Pitch in lunch at Mounds State Park, 4306 Mounds Rd, Anderson, IN 46017, Locust Grove Shelter. Meat and drinks provided by the chapter. Bring a covered dish to share. Meet at 11:30, lunch at 12:00. Good food and good friends and Corvettes. We hope for a beautiful fall day.
September 28, 2019 Concours Judging School
Indiana Chapter will host a Concours judging school September 28. Location of the event: Larry Gerig’s Museum in Roanoke IN.
Address for GPS, “S. 600 E., Roanoke, IN 46783”.
Lunch will be served. Doors open at 10:30, tour Larry’s excellent collection of cars. After lunch we will present a Councors judging school.
Location: From I-69,exit 302 onto US-24 (SW of Fort Wayne), continue southwest on US 24 to S.R.114. Go west 1-1/2 miles. Turn right on 600 E. Museum is on right. Look for NCRS sign
Sept. 7-8, 2019 Chapter Road Tour
We will be touring Western Indiana beginning Saturday Morning and ending early afternoon on Sunday. Details still to come but put the dates on your calendar now. We always have a great time on our road tours and promise you we will visit some places you have never visited before.
August 10, 2019 Chapter Mini Meet
This event will take place at the home of Jamie and John Heisler at 1755 Lane 150, Hamilton Lake, Indiana on August 10. We will have three cars for judging with judging commencing at 9am. We will have 1963 Concours Corvette,1957 Roadster and one other. Breakfast will be provided. A judging school will follow awards then a pontoon cruise of the lake with a late lunch or early diner at the Historic Cold Springs Resort. Hamilton Lake is located about 15 miles south of Angola IN on US427/ST.Rd 1
Area Hotels : Auburn , Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn Express, : Angola Area, Holiday Inn Express, Wingate by Wyndham
June 7-8, 2019 Chapter Judging Meet
The Boone County 4-H Fair Grounds in Lebanon, 1300 100 S, Lebanon, IN 46052, will be the location. We have reserved 15 rooms at the Hampton Inn, Anson, located in Whitestown for $129 plus tax.
Hampton Inn,
6005 S. Main Street
Whitestown, IN 46075
Telephone: 317-768-2330
February 9, 2019 Judging School
We again held this school at Ray Skillman Classic Cars, Greenwood, IN.
We held a Judging School with three of Ray’s Corvettes with lifts available to have a thorough inspection from top to bottom. After the Judging School there was be plenty of time to wonder through Ray’s outstanding collection.
If you made this event last year you will found more cars, more race cars and more neon signs than last year. The beautiful Carousel is now complete.
We thank Ray Skillman and Skillman Auto Group for hosting this great event.
- December 1st, Indiana Chapter Christmas Party.
- Chapter Christmas Party. Location Fireside Brewhouse, 997 E County Line Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143. SW Corner County Line and Emerson Ave. About 1/2 mile west of I-65 Exit 101. Begins about 1:00 pm. Family room located off of the bar.
- November 10th, Special Judging School hosted by Heart of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan Chapters
- Located at Pro Team in Napoleon, OH. Thanks to Terry Michaelis for providing the location.
1410 Scott St, Napoleon, OH 43545
Guest presenters will be
Kent Bowser from Delco Shocks
Larry Galloway, Quality Control at St. Louis and Ionia, MI.
John Perrette, Muncie 4 Speed Transmissions - If you have been to one of these programs before you know how informative they are.
Judging School will begin at 10:00 A.M. Doors open 9:00 A.M.
Lunch will be included. $20.00 for Members and $25.00 for Guests.
Online Registration open until November 5th. - November 3rd, Indiana Chapter Annual Business Meeting
- We will meet at the MCL Cafeteria, just off 86th Street at Allisonville Rd., at 11:00 am. for our annual business meeting. Following the business meeting about noon we will enjoy lunch on your own. The business meeting and election of 2019 officers should only take about an hour. Map to MCL
- We will be electing chapter officers for 2019. If you are interested in running for one of the offices you can let us know ahead of time by sending an email to Tim Hull Indiana Chapter Secretary. Nominations will also be accepted at the meeting. Nominee must be present or send written notice of acceptance.
- Offices available include Chapter Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Newsletter Editor, Treasurer, Judging Chairman, Membership Manager and Website Administrator.
- After the business meeting we will have a road tour to New Castle, IN to visit Dick Foster’s collection. Dick has an amazing collection with a variety of very collectible cars including several Corvettes.
- October 6th, Indiana Chapter Picnic
- Woodland shelter house in Mounds State Park, just outside Anderson, IN. We had a decent turn out and great weather. Nice breeze through the shelter house. Sunny and warm until we broke up. Few small showers on the way home.
- September 8-9, Indiana Chapter Road Tour
- Cancelled due to heavy rains.
- August 4th – Indiana Chapter Mini Meet.
- Jamie and John Heisler’s home on Hamilton Lake
1755 Lane 150, Hamilton Lake IN
Limited to 3 cars preparing for upcoming Regionals.
We will need Judges. - June 21-23rd, Bloomington Gold, Indianapolis Motor Speedway
- We will see a lot of members there.
- April 27-28, 2018 Chapter Judging Meet.
- We held this Judging Meet at Larry Gerig’s new museum, off of HWY 114, on S. County Road 600 E. Roanoke, IN 46783.
February 24, 2018 Judging School
We held this Judging School at Ray Skillman Classic Cars, 1280 US 31, Greenwood, IN.
Lunch was served starting at 11:30 am. Judging School about 12:30 pm. Following the Judging School there was plenty of time to wonder through Ray’s outstanding collection.